How to do what I do
“We need a million experiments. A bunch will fail. That’s good because we’ll have learned a lot that we can apply to the next ones.”
— Mariame Kaba
Building your practice
Transformative justice and tj practices are community rooted and community shared. The only thing it takes to be a tj practitioner is stepping forward to try.
This page gathers together some of the resources that I use every day, beginning with the free ones. Most importantly - it includes an invitation to connect with me so we can continue to transform our communities together.
Organisations to connect with in the UK
Transformative Justice
Resist And Renew / @RenewResist
Justice in Schools
No More Exclusions / @NExclusions
Radical Education Forum / @edu_radical
Coalition Of Antiracist Educators / @CARE2Liberate
Kids Of Colour / @KidsOfColourHQ
Just Education Matters / @bettaschooldays
Fumbling Towards Repair: A workbook for community accountability facilitators
Mariame Kaba & Shira Hassan
Brick by Brick: How we build a world without prisons
Cradle Community
We Will Not Cancel Us: And other dreams of transformative justice
adrienne maree brown
Holding Change: The way of emergent strategy facilitation and mediation
adrienne maree brown
Set up a supper club or reading group
If it feels overwhelming to start this journey alone remember that tj is community culture and upskilling work. Consider, in the footsteps of BATJC, setting up a regular gathering for community members to reflect on questions of trust building, safety, and justice together. Make an ongoing commitment to building something new.