For Individuals
In kind, or optional donation
If you have been harmed by someone, or know that you have caused harm to someone, and are finding yourself stuck on how to move forward, we can navigate that stuckness together transformatively. This might look like:
An initial call or meeting where you can share what happened for you
Ongoing dialogue at whatever pace and in whatever format you feel most comfortable with
Full agency to stop or pause our conversations at any time
Slow and consensual dialogue in which I support you to figure out what you need and explore different ways of meeting those needs
Working in ways where everyone gets to consent, offering questions to think about different outcomes, encouragement to put care around yourself and how to do that.
Practice conversations and drafting messages.
£30-70 per session
These sessions focus on interpersonal conflict - conflict within relationships. Does the way you behave in your relationships reflect the world you want to build?
I know that showing up for each other can feel scary to commit to in a culture of scarcity and domination, and unlearning punitive and transactional ways of relating feels risky and takes a lot of practice.
My Interpersonal Conflict Coaching offer is a confidential space in which you can practise new ways of being in a high support, low stakes context.
Ad hoc 1-hour calls with me to:Talk through live interpersonal conflicts and identify needs and boundaries
Reflect on your values and behaviours, and where there is alignment or misalignment between them
Practice self accountability, difficult conversations, and negotiation with roleplays
Test out intentional vulnerability and practise meaningful apology
Use tools such as Restorative Justice Questioning, The Drama Triangle, Non-Violent Communication, and Pod Mapping to create more connection and shift things that feel stuck.
£350 - 700
Building transformational organisations means rethinking power, policies, and structures in radical ways. This is particularly crucial when it comes to conflict. Punitive ways of responding to conflict undermine transformative culture, and quite simply don’t work: historical conflicts that seem superficially resolved frequently flare up, and dynamics of mistrust and disconnection become entrenched in ways that grind projects to a stop. People need support to break these cycles, but approaching conflict differently as a leader can feel risky.
My Transformative Leadership offer gives leaders the space to name fears, reflect on mistakes, and work through and test out new ways of being. Together we hold a transformative space, navigating the tension between what we believe is possible, and what people are capable of right now.
Six fortnightly 1-hour calls with me supporting you to identify:
Where and how you can hold yourself accountable
How to support your team to build transformative culture proactively
Underlying needs and potential points of negotiation in existing conflict
Creative ways forward to shift stuckness
3 months of one-on-one support including ongoing availability over email, and WhatsApp
For Organisations
I deliver sessions on a range of related/overlapping topics including:
Community Culture (values, behaviour, and accountability)
Self-Accountability (how to be wrong, how to apologise)
Conflict Coaching (needs, boundaries, and negotiation)
Everyday Abolition / Everyday Transformative Justice (TJ)
Radical Safeguarding (building cultures of safety, navigating fear and stuckness)
Abolition/TJ in child and youth settings (working without punishment or coercion)
Restorative / transformative practice in schools
Working in collaboration with senior leaders in organisations and schools to embed a transformative culture through policy writing, training on how to use policies, and consultancy on how to implement them.
Policies on:
Transformative Justice & Community Accountability (replacing Behaviour Policies)
Safer Community (Safeguarding)
Harmful Sexualised Behaviour (Sexual Harassment)
Anti-Oppression & Anti-Bullying
Talking through what’s happened and working out how to move forward in a transformative way.
Working in an emergent way with the community of your school or organisation to facilitate transformative responses to harm. Allowing you to participate as a community member.
Processes of this kind require more than one facilitator - I have people I collaborate with, or will be willing to meet people you have in mind.
Day Rates
After an initial call, we would work out the scope of a project together - agreeing outcomes.
You have multiple offices, you are either in the corporate sector or are a non-profit with high profile and established funding.
You are an established non-profit or social justice organisation with a training and consultancy budget.
You are a small organisation - many of your staff are part-time, but you have some budget available for this type of work.
You are a start up organisation - you are working unpaid, our values are aligned, there is no budget available for this work.
*plus testimonial/referral if you’re happy with the work